Business Loans

Loans that keep your business moving

As a business owner having access to finance is vital for you and your business. Take charge of your cash flow and your business aspirations today. Prospa offers fast turnaround loans of $5,000 to $300,000 with terms from 3 to 24 months and cash flow friendly repayments. Funds can be used for any business purpose, and no security is required to access up to $100k.


Easy Application

Apply in 10 minutes with no paperwork.


No Assets? No Worries

There’s no security or financials required to access up to $100,000.


Fast Decision

We decide based on the health of your business, not your assets. On-the-spot answer is possible.


Funding Possible in 24 Hours

Once approved, you could have the funds in your account in 24 hours.