Personal Loans
Personal Loans
Do you need a small, short term loan to buy a car or a boat, or to consolidate some debt?
Do you want to complete some renovations to your home?
It may be easier to get a separate loan for these types of expenses instead of adding to your mortgage – or you may not have a property available to use as security. This is where getting a personal loan may work better for you.
Not all borrowing requirements fall into the clear categories of residential or commercial lending. There are a number of factors which influence the type of loan you need and a number of options we can provide to meet these needs.
The Edge Group has access to a wide range of lenders, and many years of experience in matching an individual’s situation to a funding solution. We pride ourselves on having a solution for all of your borrowing requirements.
If you have any type of borrowing requirements please give us a call and we’ll be happy to talk through the options with you.